It’s been a LONG Summer…. I was last here in the middle of monsoon season. So much water coming from the sky, the gardens didn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, handle it. Growing season came to a screeching halt, even the flowers (except the zinnias, of course) had had enough by the middle of August. I tried transplanting to save a few. Almost all loved the new soil and location… or just being in the ground, instead of a pot, finally.
The yard was coming together, the wildlife even joyed their little spots of love where I planted their goodies, so they would stay out of mine. LOL
And then, … IRMA came to town. I don’t know if there are any real words to describe this. I AM a Floridian. In all my 50 plus years, I have never been through a hurricane like this. Yes, I’ve boarded up, been without electricity and had to live on canned foods for a week or so, but THIS… no way. No Thank You. I just want to go back home and clean my house.
Don’t get me wrong… I wasn’t catastrophically destroyed. But my neighbors were. And that’s worse. I can’t help them. There is nothing I can do but fight for them. To get what they need to survive. So this I shall do. Life has changed again. When things are put into perspective, you see the REALLY big picture…. there’s nothing you can do but morph into what Is. None of this will happen again, if I have anything to say, and Do, about it.
On a good note, I didn’t get the chickens and bees for the garden. So there weren’t any misplaced, or worse. The garden didn’t get moved into its new place. The Garden Shed didn’t get finished on the inside. And the fence around the whole of it all… didn’t get finished. However, I learned the new spot for the chickens is high and dry, the bees would have been homeless, the garden would have been half underwater, and the area to be fenced is not nearly big enough. The shed has to wait for other things like a well and electricity, so that’s ok too. Moral of the story… more build up is needed, more Dirt. Building it all Up is first. Being ready for the next one, and just waiting for it to come, is last.
However… The bees are back! They aren’t my bees, but they are back enjoying what is left of the buckwheat I planted for them. I wish you could hear how many are here….
Raised garden flooded by Irma 9/11/17