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Fatboy Croutons

Fatboy Croutons

Do you make your own croutons? I hadn’t until I saw them made on a cooking show a few years ago… they could not be easier and dang they are good. And of course, when you make your own breadcrumbs you can switch it up by adding fresh herbs &/or cheese.  This batch was made with a big loaf of bread from the Farmer’s Market, I bought last weekend.

I cubed up the loaf into bigger than normal bite-sized pieces; spread the pieces out on a cookie sheet, and slowly drizzled my favorite flavored olive oil over all the pieces. (This oil was infused with Fresh Rosemary).  I then sprinkled fresh Thyme, cracked pepper and a big pinch of salt across the bread. Then, mixed it up to make sure everything was evenly distributed and placed in the 375* preheated oven.

Five to seven minutes later…. Yumiliciousness that made me forget about the salad I was suppose to make to go with them. lol

Love these as a snack anytime of day!

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