The cold weather is starting to sink in here in North Florida, so all my cold weather recipe ideas are rushing in and I can’t stay in the kitchen long enough to experiment. I am still hobbling along and taking the healing of the foot one day at a time, but I can’t let that keep me out of the kitchen, can I?
‘Tis the Season of Eggnog! Eat, Drink, and be Merry!
Let me just say this about my Grits…. I have been a connoisseur of grits ever since I was a kid and my five other brothers and sisters and I had to take turns making breakfast and dinner, or cleaning up the mess afterwards. And no, my little brother turning the grits green did not shake me one bit, it just told me to never let him near the stove again if I had to eat what he was whippin’ up. We never did figure out how he managed to do that. LOL
I love grits plain with just butter and salt, or sugar, and especially loaded up with cheese, bacon, onions, and shrimp, but none of those variations come close to what came out of the pot this past weekend….

I was craving my cheese grits but wanted something different. I pulled out two of my favorite items in the fridge and OHMY WORD, is an understatement.
This may seem long because I want you to get the full picture from start to finish. I mentioned stone ground grits for a couple reasons… a) you can’t get the full flavor of good grits in those “quick” grits, a good soaking is needed; and b) those regular boxed grits in the grocery have a “shelf life” of a cardboard box.
This is what you will need: (I don’t usually use Brand Names, but wondering if I should. I will say this though – I Never Use Generic/Store Brand items. I am always looking for FLAVOR, not just a final product that is edible)
2 cups of water, 1 cup of milk, 1 1/4 cups Eggnog, 1 1/4 cups Stone Ground Grits, 2 cups grated Gouda, 1 stick unsalted butter, 1/2 tsp Salt, 1/2 tsp Pepper
Bring the water, milk, and salt, to a slow boil then and add grits. Add butter, reduce heat and cover. Let the grits cook until done, this could take 20-30 minutes depending on your stove. Remove from heat. Add Gouda and mix to melt, add eggnog, stir and cover for at least 10 minutes. Enjoy!
I wouldn’t recommend doubling this recipe until you have made it at least once, so you know your heat and grits are working together in a timely manner. I reduced my eggnog, grits, and gouda by 1/4 cup each, while doubling the water, milk and butter, and it was wonderful.
Go ahead.. make it. I would love to know what you think. I would also like to know if you want to know name brands.
Merry Christmas, Everyone. I wish you all good health and happiness. Sending smiles and fabulous flavors your way.