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Befuddled by the Beehive Bailiwick

Last month I bit the bullet and bought the FLOW Hive from The Honey Flow peeps, but to my amazement, showed up like this…


instead of something more like…. (without the honey, of course)


So now I have to put it together, and stain it – or not, and build a stand, and prep it… which is not at all THE problem.

I have No Idea where to put it in my yard. They say not to put it near the garden, not to put it in full sun (well, not Full FLORIDA Sun), not to put it in the shade. But, have you seen my yard? (See previous post) Wide Open Spaces by the Dixie Chicks is playing in my ears right now…  I’m so afraid I am going to fail before I even start, that I haven’t even put this hive together yet.

I did some driving around town yesterday while working and noticed there are a lot of bee hive boxes strategically placed in the oddest of places. My first thought is, the Florida Sun must not be too bad if all these hives are thriving. Then the second thought… how do I know they are thriving? The bees are NOT at my house, nor in my garden. Which is the reason for the beehive. The first of many was my hope.

Ever since the weekly visit of the noisy truck spraying for mosquitos a few weeks ago, I have not seen one single bumble bee, or any other kind of bee for that matter. I think the bats and bees would survive if that truck went away, ya know? Lord knows they aren’t decreasing the yellow fly population, so what can it hurt to turn them away?

The Mosquito Control Lady assured me I could be on a No Spray List, no matter where I lived. Just before I get the bees in the Spring, I’m suppose to call her to make sure the truck turns around before he gets here. If you have any advice whatsoever, you are a blessing.

Have a wonderful weekend, y’all 🙂

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