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Should Secret Ingredients… Stay Secret?


We all have them… or at least have a Mom or Grandma that had them. A recipe that had that “secret ingredient” to make that one dish, ohhh soooo good. Kinda like The Colonel and his fried chicken… only better. 🙂

I’m real interested in Your thoughts on the subject. When making a dish, and your playing with your food and discover that one different ingredient made the dish go from mm mm good, to mmmmYummy… do you share it, like taking a photograph and putting your watermark on it, or keep it to yourself and only make your dish for you and yours?

As you know, I enjoy playing with my food and sharing. And if it’s yucky, and funny… I’ll share that too.

Stay Hungry & Play with Your Food!

Stay Hungry & Play with Your Food!

Happy Fall, Y’all!


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